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Requestor Work Location:

Police Department


Requestor Title:

Chief of Police






Group Text Messaging app 1. A secure and encrypted way for department personnel to communicate via text messaging 2. Reliable text communication between two main platforms: Android and Apple a. As close to real time delivery as possible 3. A way for management to verify that text messages have been received and read. 4. Repeat notifications until the text message is read. 5. The ability of management to control what employees share via messaging 6. The ability of management to set an expiration date on mass text message notifications. The ability to put an expiration on messages, and I can completely wipe an officers messages. For example if an officers phone was stolen or lost. I can set up certain groups, such as my supervisors, officers, and dispatchers. Repeat notifications go off on the phone until the message is read. The mobile application is supported by different devices, such as computers and laptops. Alerts me if someone takes a screenshot of a message. Prevents messages from being forwarded to anyone else.






Group Text Messaging app 1. A secure and encrypted way for department personnel to communicate via text messaging 2. Reliable text communication between two main platforms: Android and Apple a. As close to real time delivery as possible 3. A way for management to verify that text messages have been received and read. 4. Repeat notifications until the text message is read. 5. The ability of management to control what employees share via messaging 6. The ability of management to set an expiration date on mass text message notifications. The ability to put an expiration on messages, and I can completely wipe an officers messages. For example if an officers phone was stolen or lost. I can set up certain groups, such as my supervisors, officers, and dispatchers. Repeat notifications go off on the phone until the message is read. The mobile application is supported by different devices, such as computers and laptops. Alerts me if someone takes a screenshot of a message. Prevents messages from being forwarded to anyone else.


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Vendor Technical Contact Name:

Travis Wing


Vendor Technical Contact Phone Number:



Lower Grade Range:



Upper Grade Range:






Utah State Core Correlation Standard(s):


Is student data shared with the vendor?



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