Requestor Work Location: Educational Equity
Requestor Title: Director
Active: True
Description: Flashlight360 was designed as an assets-oriented tool for supporting educators, parents, and students in growing productive language. It provides a user-friendly, formative evidence-based system for assessing, monitoring, and teaching language.
URL: https://www.flashlight360.com/
Purpose/Use/Notes: 1. Student asynchronously and independently completes the language assessment (~ 10-15 min)
2. Teacher uses our Simple Productive Language Scoring Rubric™ to score student responses and provide feedback to students (~ 5 minutes)
3. Teacher uses our Standards-Aligned Goal-Setting System™ to co-create goals for each student in speaking and writing (~ 5 minutes)
4. Teachers use the ActionABL Data™ gathered from student evidence to inform their lesson planning and instruction
Pilot Plan: we will pilot this in the Granger network at this time. We will be at Granger High, Westlake Jr. and 2 other elementaries (TBD).
We will be using this assessment tool with all of our designated ML students, within these sites.
Login/Access Information for Evaluation:
Type of Software:
Vendor Technical Contact Name: Justin Hewett
Vendor Technical Contact Phone Number: (801)599-6430
Lower Grade Range: 1st Grade
Upper Grade Range: 12th Grade
Category: Assessment
Utah State Core Correlation Standard(s):
Is student data shared with the vendor? True
Icon for student\stuff use:
Screenshot URL: aplus.png