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Signup Genius

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Requestor Work Location:

Cottonwood High School


Requestor Title:

Calleen (CJ) Lester






This is a scheduler that is only visible to the members in the group. Signup Genius is a useful tool to set up events and get people to help with those events. Hand chosen participants can look at upcoming events and sign up for slots needed to help with the event.






This is a scheduler that is only visible to the members in the group that I add. I teach Yearbook. We would like to use Signup Genius to set up the events at which we need to take photos. Students can look at the events coming up. When they click on an event, they can sign up to take photos at that events. It's a simple, effective, productive way of scheduling yearbook photographers at events we need to capture and to track who has and hasn't taken photos for the yearbook. I create an account, and I include students in my yearbook class by email addresses. None of this is visible to accessible to anyone except me and who is in my class. My students are 9th-12th graders. I don't know if student information is shared with the vendor. I use their school emails as contact information.


Login/Access Information for Evaluation:


Type of Software:




Vendor Technical Contact Name:

available at their website. You leave your phone and they call you back if you want phone contact. Otherwise, you fill out a form and it is submitted to Signup Genius staff for resonses.


Vendor Technical Contact Phone Number:

available at their website. You leave your phone and they call you back if you want phone contact. Otherwise, you fill out a form and it is submitted to Signup Genius staff for resonses.


Lower Grade Range:

9th Grade


Upper Grade Range:

9th Grade



Curriculum / Classroom Educational Technology


Utah State Core Correlation Standard(s):


Is student data shared with the vendor?



Icon for student\stuff use:


Screenshot URL:



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