Android File Transfer
Requestor Work Location: Granite Park Junior High
Requestor Title: Teacher
Active: True
Description: Android File Transfer allows students to connect their phones to an Apple computer. Students can then access their phone photos/videos/etc. for use in video or photo editing.
Purpose/Use/Notes: I have kids film vlogs, take pics, etc. and then put those on a computer for further editing. It's simply a tool to connect an Android to a Mac.
Login/Access Information for Evaluation:
Type of Software:
Vendor Technical Contact Name:
Vendor Technical Contact Phone Number:
Lower Grade Range: 5th Grade
Upper Grade Range: 12th Grade
Category: CTE
Utah State Core Correlation Standard(s): CCA Standard 3
Explore the current Utah Career Clusters and Pathways using project-based learning and simulations: Arts, Audio/Visual Technology and Communications
Digital Literacy STRAND 6
(Digital Media Creation) Students will communicate clearly using a variety of platforms, tools, styles, formats, and digital media appropriate to their goals.
Is student data shared with the vendor? False
Icon for student\stuff use:
Screenshot URL: aplus.png