Pinkcat Studio
Requestor Work Location: Jim Bridger Elementary
Requestor Title: Kindergarten Teacher
Active: True
Description: This website has many different questions sets that can be played through various games, as well as I can create my own question sets. This website also has timers, student randomized picking, and other teacher tools.
Purpose/Use/Notes: I would use these in whole group review sessions on the viewboard, but I would also use these to create custom question sets and assign them to specific students and/or groups based on what they need to practice. This would then be available during open computer choice time, it would NOT take the place of required i-Ready times.
Login/Access Information for Evaluation:
Type of Software:
Vendor Technical Contact Name:
Vendor Technical Contact Phone Number:
Lower Grade Range: Kindergarten
Upper Grade Range: Kindergarten
Category: Curriculum / Classroom Educational Technology
Utah State Core Correlation Standard(s):
Is student data shared with the vendor? False
Icon for student\stuff use:
Screenshot URL: aplus.png