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Cisco Packet Tracer

Click here to see approval information

Requestor Work Location:

Cyprus High School


Requestor Title:







Allows for a virtual self-contained network environment for learning and testing network steps. No special hardware is required just the software that virtualizes routers and switches to test and explore different types of setups.






This seems to be the preferred software that the AP board suggests for teaching the new AP Cyber Networking course I will be teaching next year. It is a virtualized networking environment that allows students to learn networking concepts without needing physical hardware. It is also as safe as the fake network stays on the computer the students are using and does not go out into the real internet as it is just a fake setup. I wanted to see if this software would be approved now instead of waiting until next year when it will be needed. If not we would then have enough time to find a suitable alternative. I also wanted to start working with it as I prepare the curriculum for the class.


Login/Access Information for Evaluation:


Type of Software:




Vendor Technical Contact Name:

Cisco Network Academy


Vendor Technical Contact Phone Number:


Lower Grade Range:

10th Grade


Upper Grade Range:

12th Grade



Curriculum / Classroom Educational Technology


Utah State Core Correlation Standard(s):

AP Cyber Networking standards will be posted by the state sometime next school year as this class is starting for the first time next year.


Is student data shared with the vendor?



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