Classroom (Apple)
Requestor Work Location: South Kearns Elementary School
Requestor Title: Teacher, First Grade
Active: True
Description: Classroom is a powerful app for iPad and Mac that helps you guide learning,
share work, and manage student devices. It supports both shared and one-to-one
environments. You can launch a specific app, website, or textbook page on any iPad
in the class, share documents between teacher and students, or share student work
on a TV, monitor, or projector using Apple TV. You can even see which apps students
are working in, mute student devices, assign a specific shared iPad for each student,
and reset a student’s password. And when class ends, you can see a summary of
your students’ activities.
Taken from:
Purpose/Use/Notes: Just as LanDesk allows teachers to see what their student's see on their Chromebooks, Classroom allows teachers to monitor what their students are accessing on their iPads.
This is going to be especially important this year since we no longer have a computer lab and will be using iPads for our School City assessments.
Login/Access Information for Evaluation:
Type of Software:
Vendor Technical Contact Name:
Vendor Technical Contact Phone Number:
Lower Grade Range: Kindergarten
Upper Grade Range: 12th Grade
Category: Curriculum / Classroom Educational Technology
Utah State Core Correlation Standard(s):
Is student data shared with the vendor? False
Icon for student\stuff use:
Screenshot URL: aplus.png