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3rd Millennium Classrooms

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Requestor Work Location:

Prevention and Student Placement


Requestor Title:

Prevention Coordinator






This site provides access for students to complete intervention courses related to substance use, violence, and relational aggression. Information on Data Collected is available here: https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/459164/full-legal






**This is a Distance Learning need** We have many students who need to complete first offender courses due to a school safety violation during this current school year. Normally they would attend evening courses provided at the GEC, which is not currently possible.The courses offered from 3r Millennium Classrooms are necessary during the Distance Learning period to allow completion of this requirement. They contain research-based instruction that drives change in belief, behavior, and attitudes and should result in reduced recidivism in problematic behaviors. The content and purpose of these courses are very different from similarly-titled content on the SafeSchools platform. 3rd Mil Privacy Policy https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/459164/full-legal 3rd Mil SOC Certification We affirm that a Type 1 SOC 2 examination of 3rd Millennium Classrooms’ (the “Company”) ELearning Program services system was conducted at the San Antonio, Texas facility. The scope of the Type 1 SOC 2 examination performed by A-LIGN ASSURANCE included the 2017 Trust Services Criteria (TSP section 100) regarding Common Criteria/Security surrounding the Company’s ELearning Program services system. The examination of management’s assertions as included in the “Report of Management on Controls” was conducted in accordance with the attestation standards established by the AICPA, and was performed to determine if the written assertion by management fairly presents the Company’s environment related to the 2017 Trust Services Criteria regarding Common Criteria/Security in all material respects, and based upon criteria stated by the AICPA. All testing procedures related to the Company’s ELearning Program services system are complete. Based on examination, reasonable assurance has been obtained, in all material respects, that (1) the description is fairly presented based on the description criteria, and (2) the controls were suitably designed to meet the applicable trust services criteria as of December 6, 2019.


Login/Access Information for Evaluation:


Type of Software:




Vendor Technical Contact Name:

Esther Shock


Vendor Technical Contact Phone Number:



Lower Grade Range:

6th Grade


Upper Grade Range:

12th Grade



Special Services


Utah State Core Correlation Standard(s):


Is student data shared with the vendor?



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