Requestor Work Location: Olympus High School
Requestor Title: Math Teacher - Cheryl Currey
Active: True
Description: Albert is an online formative and summative assessment tool that provides practice questions for English, Math, and Science classes. There are many question types that students can choose from, including drop-down menus, multiple choice, highlighting passages, etc. After the student submits their answer, they get immediate feedback on whether or not their answer is correct, and an explanation of the problem is provided. Albert also allows teachers to individualize practice for those who work at a different pace, such as struggling or advanced learners within the same classroom. Albert also provides practice questions for AP classes, the ACT, and the SAT. Albert provides up to date full length practice AP exams that mimic the format of the actual exam. Students can practice with original, standards-aligned free response questions and evaluate their answers using sample responses and AP-style rubrics.
Purpose/Use/Notes: At Olympus High, we plan to use Albert for the Introduction to Calculus classes and AP Calculus BC classes.
Login/Access Information for Evaluation:
Type of Software:
Vendor Technical Contact Name: Morgan Pruckner
Vendor Technical Contact Phone Number: 312-470-2290 ext 708
Lower Grade Range: 9th Grade
Upper Grade Range: 12th Grade
Category: Math, K-12
Utah State Core Correlation Standard(s):
Is student data shared with the vendor? True
Icon for student\stuff use:
Screenshot URL: aplus.png