IXL - Science
Requestor Work Location: Pioneer Elementary
Requestor Title: Teacher
Active: True
Description: IXL is an internet based program.
This site provides rigorous content and grade specific questions that are structured similarly to standardized tests and also give immediate feedback to students.
URL: www.ixl.com
Purpose/Use/Notes: This site provides student practice of content and grade specific questions that are rigorous and structured similarly to standardized tests. Immediate feedback is given to students when they answer a question. If they answer incorrectly, step-by-step examples are shown.
We would like to use this for Science. It is already approved for ELA and Math.
Login/Access Information for Evaluation:
Type of Software:
Vendor Technical Contact Name:
Vendor Technical Contact Phone Number: 855-255-8800
Lower Grade Range: 2nd Grade
Upper Grade Range: 8th Grade
Category: Science, K-12
Utah State Core Correlation Standard(s):
Is student data shared with the vendor? True
Icon for student\stuff use:
Screenshot URL: aplus.png